Designing Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems for the Future
Feel free to call us: (734) 327-0038


Meriden, CT – Yale Acres Affordable Housing Development

A three phase energy improvement and modernization redevelopment project which integrates energy efficiency, hybrid renewable energy systems, and interior/ exterior renovations in a 40 building multi-family affordable housing complex.

Toledo, OH – Toledo Port Authority Better Buildings Program

A 15 million dollar plan funded through the Department of Energy, with the goal of making commercial and industrial buildings 20% more energy efficient within the next 10 years.

Wyandotte, MI – Wyandotte Municipal Services Geothermal Program

A city-wide geothermal district project led by and funded through Wyandotte Municipal Services, the local utility company in Wyandotte.


Geothermal Innovations Case Studies

A list of example installation from the Geothermal Installations Team